Airport information for Barra Airport

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Barra Airport sandy landing strip with airplane

Barra Airport is unique, being the only one in the world where scheduled flights use a tidal beach as the runway.  With its schedule governed by the ebb and flow of the tide, Barra is a breath of fresh air compared to other more conventional airports – and its spectacular scenery is second to none.

When the airport is closed and the windsocks are down, members of the public are free to walk on the runways which revert to a public beach enjoyed by surfers, dog walkers and families.

An airport since 1974, passenger numbers at Barra are now over 14,000 per year with around 1,400 aircraft movements. Barra operates twice daily flights to and from Glasgow – providing a vital link for residents and visitors alike.  It also welcomes around 60 private light aircraft flights a year.

More Tourist Information
The waters around the island provide the perfect playground for boat trips or sea kayaking.  If history or heritage is your thing, then Kisimul Castle - Gaelic for ‘Castle Island’ - can be accessed by a five minute boat trip from Castle Bay.

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