Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement sets out Highlands and Islands Airports Limited’s (HIAL’s) actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business, and the steps required to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains.
HIAL is wholly owned by the Scottish Ministers. The company operates and manages 11 airports at Barra, Benbecula, Campbeltown, Dundee, Islay, Inverness, Kirkwall, Stornoway, Sumburgh, Tiree and Wick John O'Groats. There is also a Head Office based at Inverness Airport. HIAL’s airports are vital to the social and economic welfare of the areas they serve and are supported by subsidies from the Scottish Government in accordance with Section 34 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982. HIAL’s airports support essential and lifeline air connectivity for some of the more remote communities in Scotland.
The HIAL group is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and endeavour to ensure that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. Information contained within this statement is correct at the date of publication.
- The HIAL Board is responsible for ensuring that appropriate policies are in place.
- Responsibility for this policy lies with the Senior Management Team, acting on behalf of HIAL.
- The Head of Procurement has day-to-day responsibility in respect of HIAL’s supply chains, monitoring, dealing with any queries, and reviewing internal control systems. The Head of Procurement is also responsible for ensuring the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 are clear to suppliers.
- The Chief People Officer is responsible for ensuring HIAL’s employment policies are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
- HIAL’s Whistleblowing Policy permits staff, and anyone contractually associated with the Company, to raise concerns.
- Airport Managers and Heads of Departments, or their representative, must report any suspected breaches of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to the Executive Assistant.
Addressing Modern Slavery:
- We will regularly review HIAL policies already in place to ensure they remain robust in this regard.
- We will promote modern slavery and human trafficking awareness through targeted online employee training, for those involved in recruitment and contract management.
- We will continue to assess potential risk areas in our supply chain and the wider business.
- We will work in collaboration with our business partners and partner agencies in raising awareness and preventing slavery and human trafficking.
- We will continue to review our supply chain and will focus on continuous improvement and the delivery of effective strategies to meet our commitment of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Lorna Jack |
Stewart Adams Interim Chief Executive Officer, Highlands and Islands Airports Limited |
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