Inverness Airport Master Plan

Inverness Airport Master Plan

Picture of Inverness Airport Master Plan Poster

The Inverness Airport Master Plan highlights how we aim to grow and develop the airport over a 25 year period whilst improving the overall experience for passengers.  As well as this, the Master Plan must be sustainable and efficient in fulfilling our continued commitment to the environment and also work for our local communities, airline partners and other airport users.  The Master Plan sets out the plans and development strategy for the future expansion of the airport facilities including the passenger terminal, land-side and surface access and airfield infrastructure.

Inverness Airport Master Plan (PDF format)

Inverness Airport Master Plan – Print Friendly (PDF format)

The Master Plan has been developed in consideration of the traffic forecast up to the year 2045.  We accept that Covid-19 will result in lower than expected growth, at least in the short-term, but we do believe the expansion will be required regardless, just not over the same time period.  Development options have been based on:

  • The existing airport operation
  • Stakeholder requirements
  • Operational requirements
  • Industry recognised planning assumptions, standards and best practice
  • Capacity analysis
  • New infrastructure and refurbishment
  • Outputs

Have your say

This consultation provides an early opportunity to help shape the future of your airport.

Our consultation process ran from 1st February 2021 until 28th February 2021 and is now closed. 

Next Steps

After the consultation period, we will publish a report that summarises the feedback provided by the consultees. This will be used to discuss any changes or additional measures to include within the final Master Plan.

Inverness Airport Master Plan