Energy efficient runway lighting project completed at Inverness and Kirkwall airports
The installation of energy-efficient Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) systems has been completed at both Kirkwall and Inverness airports.

Airports host new aircraft trial
Potential new aircraft trial takes place at HIAL airports.
Barra Airport’s world famous beach runway captured by NASA satellite
A rare picture from space of Barra Airport’s iconic runway, renowned as the only scheduled beach runway in the world, has been captured by NASA’s ASTER satellite.
Airport Manager retires at Stornoway
Duncan Smith, General Manager at Stornoway Airport, has retired following an 18 year career at Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd (HIAL).
HIAL announces new Chief Operating Officer
Darren MacLeod has been appointed Chief Operating Officer for HIAL.
HIAL a’ foillseachadh aithisg bhliadhnail airson 2023/24
Tha Puirt-adhair na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean Earranta (HIAL) air a aithisg bhliadhnail is cunntasan as ùire fhoillseachadh airson na bliadhna ionmhais 2023/24.
HIAL publishes annual report for 2023/24
Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd (HIAL) has published its latest annual report and accounts for the financial year 2023/24.
Sumburgh Airport features in aviation industry magazine
Sumburgh airport's role in aviation history past and present is the focus of an article recently published in The Airport Operator.
New café opening at Barra airport
Passengers travelling through Barra airport will be able to enjoy a menu of meals, snacks and drinks from Tuesday 3 December as the new cafe opens.
New Quiet Room opened at Sumburgh Airport
Passengers travelling through Sumburgh Airport can now take advantage of a new quiet space, called the West Voe Quiet Room.